๐๏ธ Create application
Elementary flow starts when customer wants to use one of Skip Pay's payment method for financing his purchase made in partner e-shop.
๐๏ธ Get application detail
If you need to find out current information about particular *application* - primarily its state and other details - use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Cancel application
If there is need to completely cancel customer's *order*, it is necessary to cancel respective *application*. For this purpose use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}/cancel` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Change application order
When there's some changes within *order* before delivery (e.g. change in order items that impacts the total price of the *order*, or other billing information), use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}/order` resource in order we can adjust everything properly. `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Mark order items as cancelled
When some or all order items were cancelled (won't be ever delivered), use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}/order/cancel` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Mark order items as sent
When some or all order items were shipped to the customer, use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}/order/send` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Mark order items as delivered
When some or all order items were delivered to the customer, use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}/order/deliver` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Mark order items as returned
When some or all order items were returned by the customer to you (after delivery), use `/financing/v1/applications/{applicationId}/order/return` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation.
๐๏ธ Get payments on specific application
Get payments on specific *application*
๐๏ธ Get order
If you need to find out current information about particular *order* - primarily its state (or its order items' states) and other details - use `/financing/v1/orders{?orderNumber,orderVariableSymbol,applicationId}` resource where `{applicationId}` is the application ID you received in the response of `/financing/v1/applications` after its creation, `{orderNumber}` is your order's number and `{orderVariableSymbol}` is your order's variable symbol.